+51 959 467659, Peru [email protected]

Programs & Rates

4 Days/3 Nights

Below is a day-by-day itinerary full of adventure, but it is flexible based on your interests and pace.  Activities are in the Tamshiyacu – Tahuayo Reserve.  This also is a unique site for research studies due to the great biodiversity of the flora and fauna. It is fit for the public and open all year. The program itinerary is subject to weather conditions.

Each tour is private and personalized as you have your own guide and the itinerary is adapted to you.

For further information contact us.

Select the program that best meets your interests.



Day 1

After arriving at the Iquitos International Airport, you are greeted by Yaku Amazon staff and transferred to the Iquitos port or travel by highway to the San Joaquin port. We then board a comfortable boat with a powerful, new engine to navigate the longest, widest and most voluminous river in the world – the mightiest river “Amazonas.”  We then navigate a tributary of the Amazon the Yanayacu River to reach our lodge. Upon arrival, passengers will be welcomed with a typical tropical drink and shown to their respective bungalows.


Walk behind the lodge in primary and seasonally flooded forest to learn about the biodiversity of the flora and fauna.  Find medicinal plants and learn the many uses, including treatments for headaches, stomachaches, arthritis, prostate cancer, tuberculosis, etc.   Taste the water from a wooden vine known as cat’s claw, Uncaria tomentosa.  Cat’s claw is a traditional medicine used by indigenous people to treat asthma, inflammation, arthritis, cancer, and AIDS.

Discover different species of monkeys, such as squirrel monkeys and the red howlers who are the heaviest primates in the rainforest and the loudest land animal in the world whose deafening roar can be heard many kilometers away.   Also, search for birds (the wattled curassows – believed to be extinct 40 years ago, parrots, trogons, flycatchers, antbirds, etc.), insects, reptiles, amphibians, tamanduas, jaguar tracks and much more!  While searching, listen to the distinctive noises of the rainforest from insects, birds, monkeys, frogs, and possibly the roar of a distant jaguar.


A night tour by boat on Corrientes Lake to find caimans – one of the predatory species of the Amazon, fishing bats, night herons, tarantulas, different species of amphibians, potoos, nightjars, fireflies, fish, etc.

Gaze at the night sky and marvel at the stunning stars creating the constellations of the Southern Hemisphere.  Visible is a band of white light arching across the night sky – an awe-inspiring view of the Milky Way.

Day 2


Travel to the black water lakes Corrientes and Ojé by boat, and then explore these lakes rowing in a wooden canoe.  Search for iguanas, three-toed sloths – the slowest mammals of the planet, squirrel monkeys, cormorants, herons, kingfishers, parrots, horned screamers, blue and yellow macaws, black collared hawks, great black­ hawks, vultures, toucans, etc.


After lunch, depart for an afternoon and evening adventure along the lakes Corrientes, Purura and the Yanayaku tributary.  It starts with a boat trip in search of birds:  horned screamers, tapaculos, horneros, parrots, muscovy ducks, cormorants, jacanas, blue and yellow macaws, etc.

Disembark the boat for a walk in Igapo forest, seasonally flooded primary jungle, to find land animals.  Our search includes the pygmy marmoset – the smallest primate in the world, tamarin monkeys, titi monkeys, and other species of monkeys, reptiles – lizards and snakes, small frogs and large bullfrogs – favorite food of anacondas, anacondas, bullet ants – the most painful ant sting on the planet, tarantulas and other spiders, scorpions, crickets and other insects, porcupines and jaguar tracks.  With luck, our search may include seeing a jaguar or hearing its roar in the distance.  They have the strongest jaws and most powerful bite of any cat species with 2000 pounds of force!  This is enough to break a turtle’s thick shell or easily puncture and crush bone.

While walking, you will be amazed at the huge size of the kapok or Lupuna tree Ceiba pentandra as it towers over the other rainforest vegetation.   The kapok tree can reach up to 60 meters in height and grow as much as 4 meters per year.  This large tree is known for kapok, which is cotton-like, water-resistant fiber, harvested from the seedpods.  At one time, kapok was popular for being used to stuff mattresses, life jackets, and pillows. 

After the walk, we board the boat to observe the beautiful Amazon sunset!  The sky begins to illuminate a spectrum of colors from violets and blues to oranges and reds.  We then slowly navigate the water to search for caimans, night herons, potoos, pygmy owls, fishing bats, nocturnal fish, insects, and capybaras – the largest and heaviest rodent on the planet, an adult male can weigh up to 60 kg! 


Relax and listen to the night sounds of the forest.

Day 3

Half-day adventure inside the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Reserve along the Yanayaku tributary and the lakes Corrientes, Purura, Sapote and Mohena.   Search for three-toed sloths, titi monkeys, night monkeys – the only nocturnal primates in the rainforest, capuchin monkeys – the smartest primates in the world, squirrel monkeys, other species of monkeys, turtles, and many birds – blue and yellow macaws, parrots, vultures, toucans, wattled curassows – believed to be extinct 40 years ago, anhingas, trogons, tanagers, pigeons, doves, anis, tapaculos, flycatchers, woodpeckers, nunbirds, different species of kingfishers, anacondas and much more!

Fishing for the most ferocious and aggressive fish of the Amazon – the piranhas!  You may also catch cichlids, oscars, catfish, etc.

Breakfast served on the boat.  It may include fruits, hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches, cookies, hot water for tea and coffee, water, depending upon any dietary restrictions.


An excursion along Corrientes Lake, Yanayaku tributary, and the Amazon River to find iguanas, sloths and many species of birds.  Also, observe one of the most beautiful species of the Amazon River, the grey and pink dolphins.  While the dolphins are nearby, you may swim in the river.

Using a hydrophone and speaker, listen to the low-frequency sounds from the dolphins.

With the breeze and the boat floating in the current of the river, it is a special moment to make a toast to your adventure in the Amazon!

Returning to the lodge, our search continues for caimans, night birds (potoos, nightjars, herons, owls, etc.), bats, tarantulas, different species of frogs, fish, fireflies, etc.


A jungle night walk in Igapo forest shares the nocturnal wonders of the rainforest.  Be surrounded by jungle sounds, while finding unique and diverse creatures.  Find beautiful tree frogs, cane toads, night monkeys, tarantulas, scorpions and other arachnids, insects, sleeping birds, snakes, lizards and more!

Day 4

Early morning walk in Igapo forest along Lake Ipahuantillo in search of the prehistoric looking Hoatzin, the only species of bird that is ruminant with a multi-chambered digestive tract.  This digestion causes a strong, foul odor, giving them the nickname “stinkbird.”  Other sightings may include birds (donacobius, anis, tanagers, kites, hawks, anhingas, flycatchers) monkeys, sloths, etc.


Visit the native village of Ayacucho to learn of their culture, folklore, and life in this part of the world and exchange cultures by visiting the school (March to December) promoting mutual understanding. We encourage you to bring supplies (pencils, colored pencils, crayons, pens, notebooks, metric rulers, art supplies, puzzles, books, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair clips, etc.) for optional donations to the students and school. Shop their handmade crafts, which use products such as seeds collected in the forest and palm fiber. This is a way to contribute to the local economy and halt deforestation, since these people now protect forests for the usefulness of their crafts.

View one of the largest aquatic plants in the world, the Victoria Regia Water Lilies.  The gigantic floating leaves can measure up to 3 m across.


Return by sailing to San Joaquin in our safe and comfortable boat, and then go by highway to Iquitos where we travel to the airport or to your hotel.  This is where we say our goodbyes, thank you, and hope to see you in the future!


Program 4 Days/3 Nights:

Price per person (2 guests) in US Dollars: $520

Price per person (3-4 guests) in US Dollars: $510

Please contact us for groups of 5+ for discounted rates.

For single occupancy price, please contact us.

Hernando De Luque #138
San Antonio, Iquitos - Peru

Tel: +51 959 467659, Peru
Tel:  +1 (913) 634-7371, USA

[email protected]


© 2023 YAKU AMAZON Lodge & Expeditions SRL

© 2022 YAKU AMAZON Lodge & Expeditions SRL